Hey Folks:
Emory School of Laws has been kind enough to donate a room for the “Build-In .”
DATE: 4/22/2006
TIME: 9:00 – 5:00 PM
WHERE: Emory University School of Law ( directions )
ROOM: Gambrell Hall — Third Floor: 303 Agnor
Please do not confuse this event with ALE Central’s meeting on the topic of MythTV to be held on Thursday, April 13th.
Stay tuned! More details to follow.
The Northwest ALE meeting will be held at the offices of The Weather Channel in the Windy Hill area.
Address: 300 Interstate North Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30339
Google Maps
There is plenty of parking throughout the lot, feel free to park anywhere that is not marked as “reserved”.
The offices of The Weather Channel are under high security. As such, we will need to meet in the lobby and sign in. I have spoken with our security officer, and he is looking for an attendee list only, so he is comfortable with a number entering and leaving, and what their name is.
We will need to gather as a group in the lobby, and I will escort everyone to the meeting area. If there are any late arrivals, just let the guard know you are there for the meeting, and I will be paged to come and get you.
Similarly, after some amount of “hobnobbing”, we will need to leave as a group. There are many restaurants & bars in the area to continue conversations at, and I for one wholeheartedly endorse doing so…I’m sure we’ll be hungry by then.
The reservation for the room is “7:30 – 9:00” but I am told we can stay later if conversation/lecture requires it. I will be staying after work, so I will be there if you arrive early, however the group will need to enter together, so come around 7:15 – 7:30 for convenience’s sake.
I have no idea. :)
If we are still without topic right now, I can give a brief presentation about how we employ Linux at TWCi, but it would be a broad, general overview. Please be thinking about presenting if you have a topic to share. To make the ALE< =>Twci relationship successful, we need to keep the talks interesting, lively, and profitable.
We are in the 6th floor corporate conference room. It has a full wall-sized screen and several LCD panels around the room. It is run by a PC/LCD projector combo that I will be obtaining information about using. More specifically, I will be inquiring about putting a Mac or Linux system on the projector instead, that we might be able to demonstrate straight for our platform of topic.
I am also meeting this week with the network infrastructure manager. As of right now, we are going to have some sort of access. Wired access will be easy. I have also requested a wireless connection, and should have information regarding that request soon.
I’m told there’ll be some lite snacks available in the meeting room.
More information as it becomes available.
Jerald M. Sheets
Systems Administrator
The Weather Channel Interactive.
The feature presentation for ALE’s
April 13, 2006 Central Meeting will be
“MythTV for the Common Man for $300”
with Mike Harrison and Jesse Guardiani
MythTV is a home-brew, Linux based PVR (Personal
Video Recorder), conceptually similar to TiVo.
The MythTV project, created by Isaac Richards and
extensively documented by Robert Kulagowski, is
comprisied of a suite of Open Source, GPL programs and
has been under heavy development for almost four years.
The current MythTV package is now quite stable and
capable. An abbrevieated list of MythTV features includes:
— Basic ‘live-tv’ functionality with
Pause/Fast Forward/Rewind of “live” TV.
— Support for multiple tuner cards and multiple
simultaneous recordings.
— Distributed architecture allowing multiple recording
machines and multiple playback machines on a network
— Compresses video in software using rtjpeg or mpeg4,
plus supports hardware MPEG-2 (PVR-250 / PVR-350)
— Completely automatic commercial detection/skipping
— Grabs program information using xmltv.
( complete feature list and screen shots at MythTV.org )
— Mike Harrison is biomedical engineer turned
programmer/geek. He built and operated the
regions first Internet Service Provider from
1994 until 2003, and now operates GeekLabs,
a small programming and services company in
Chattanooga TN.
— Jesse Guardiani, Professional Programmer and
Sys Admin. Sys Admin for a small town ISP from
2002 – 2005. Professional PHP programmer in
Chattanooga TN from 2005 – current. Avid Linux,
MythTV, hardware, and gaming enthusiast.
Meeting time is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School are at the
Central Meeting link on the side bar.
Note that there will be a follow up for this
featured topic and an opportunity to get
assistance building your own MythTV
PVR system at the “MythTV Build In”
(full notice & details below)