Welcome to the

Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts

Promoting Linux and Open Source Software Freedom in Atlanta Since 1994
Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts (ALE) is a diverse group of friendly people who enjoy the freedoms and benefits of GNU Linux Computing and Free Liberating Open Source Software technologies. From novices to network administrators, from smart phones to data centers, we strive to empower every information technology user with freely distributable software and to improve every computing environment with the superior security, functionality and flexibility of Open Source Operating System solutions. -- more about ALE --
For information about upcoming weekly and monthly meetings, please check the ALE Meetup Group Calendar. We do not, and never will, require anyone to sign up with Meetup (or any other service) to attend any of our meetings; we only use it as an additional platform to connect with others in the local Atlanta area who are also interested in Linux.

ALE CENTRAL MTG. for Thurs., April 19th, 2012

Filed at 7:52 pm April 16, 2012 under by Ruscetta

Our highlight presentation at the ALE Central Meeting
for 7:30pm on Thursday, April 19th, 2012 will be:

How I Learned To Stop Worrying and
Love Automated Build Systems

with Ryan Curtin


— Maybe you’ve heard of CMake before. If you haven’t, maybe you’ve
heard of autotools. And if you have worked with autotools, well, I am
sure your friends have heard your sighs of sorrow. If you have worked
with CMake, you probably have your own sighs of sorrow too.
Build systems, or “makefile generators”, as CMake calls itself, are
never pretty. But it’s better than that festering mess you call a Makefile.
I mean, come on! You don’t even know how it works anymore. Nobody
does. It’s this horrifying black box that executables magically come out
of. Oh, and it’s not portable… don’t even think about running that on
HP-UX or whatever. And if it is portable… well, I can only imagine
the nightmare _that_ Makefile must be.
— CMake provides most of a solution to your building and compilation
problems. It has a nice language which lets you define how to build
your projects, and on top of that, it’s portable, even to Windows.
Unfortunately, there is some voodoo required when dealing with CMake.
My aim in this presentation is to shed light on some of this voodoo and
give you enough knowledge to (a) start building your simple (or
advanced) projects with CMake and (b) know how to find solutions to your
more complex problems (and unfortunately with CMake, Google-fu isn’t
always enough).


— Ryan Curtin is a Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech studying machine
learning. He [denies having any] interesting biographical trivia [despite
being an extraordinarily complex biological machine which is constantly
learning through the generation of trivial biographical data ].

We will be meeting at Emory Law School in our
usual Gambrel Hall, room 1C venue.
Meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found

ALE-NW@SPSU MTG. for Thurs., April 12th, 7:30pm

Filed at 5:54 pm April 11, 2012 under by Ruscetta

The highlight presentation at the ALE-NW@SPSU meeting
being held Thursday, April 12th, 2012 at 7:30pm in room
J131 of the Atrium (J) building on the SPSU campus will be:

LexisNexis® :

Solving Big Data Problems with the
Opensource HPCC Systemsâ„¢ Platform

presented by Dr. Flavio Villanustre & Arjuna Chala,
and featuring a Door Prize giveaway of
a Nook (Android) E-Reader!


— HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster) is an open source
massive parallel-processing computing platform that solves
Big Data problems. An overview of the HPCC Systems architecture
and its major components including Thor, Roxie and ECL will be
presented along with how this platform compares to other big data
technologies like Hadoop. System requirements covering the
supported Linux distributions will be reviewed. Also included will
be a demo of how this platform can integrate with Pentaho
Spoon/Kettle for powerful data ETL capabilities.

Speaker Bios:

— Dr Flavio Villanustre —

– VP Infrastructure & Products, HPCC Systems and LexisNexis –
Flavio is the Vice President of Infrastructure and Products. In this
position, Flavio is responsible for Information and Physical Security,
overall infrastructure strategy and new product development.
Previously, Flavio was Director of Infrastructure for Seisint. Prior to
2001, Flavio served in a variety of roles at different companies
including Infrastructure, Information Security and Information
Technology. In addition to this, Villanustre has been involved with
the Opensource community for over 15 years through multiple
initiatives. Some of these include founding the first Linux User Group
in Buenos Aires (BALUG) in 1994, releasing several pieces of software
under different Opensource licenses, and evangelizing Opensource
to different audiences through conferences, training and education.
— Arjuna Chala —

– Architect Integrations, HPCC Systems and LexisNexis –
Arjuna is responsible for providing strategic and technology direction
for the analytics and business intelligence components of the
HPCC platform.

About HPCC Systemsâ„¢:
HPCC Systems™ from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions offers a proven,
data-intensive supercomputing platform designed for the enterprise
to process and solve Big Data analytical problems. As a superior
alternative to Hadoop and legacy technology, HPCC Systems offers
a consistent data-centric programming language, two processing
platforms and a single, complete end-to-end architecture for
efficient processing. For more information, visit HPCC Systems
at http://hpccsystems.com.

For a campus map and a link to directions please see
http ://www.spsu.edu/visitspsu/campusmaps/index.htm
Parking in non reserved spaces in the P60 deck is best.
building J, the Atrium building, is a short distance east
of the parking deck.
ALE-NW@SPSU meetings are open events and we hope
you will join us! Also remember that topic suggestions
and presentation offers the meetings can be emailed to
[ jdp (at) algoloma ]