Atlanta Linux Fest 2008 & Software Freedom Day:
Saturday, Sept. 20th!
Celebrate this year’s
Software Freedom Day
by joining ALE at the
Atlanta Linux Fest 2008!
Saturday, September 20th, 11am to 6pm
The Linux Fest event is being hosted by IBM at their
IBM Hillside Conference Center
4111 Northside Pkwy.
Atlanta, GA. 30327
(Northwest Atlanta, I-75 @ Northside Pkwy)
The Atlanta Linux Fest 2008 is an opportunity to learn more about the many freedoms that Linux OS environments and GNU Open Source Software are providing throughout the world. It emphasizes the benefits of using freely distributable open source software in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere! Software Freedom Day sponsors include Google, Sun, Canonical [Ubuntu], the Free Software Foundation and many other computer industry leaders and innovators.
There will be demos of all the major Linux distributions, installation help, user support for all your favorite Open Source software tools, and drawings for prizes! All you have to do is register to come (it’s free!) and there will be pizza available for a $5 donation to the event.
Additional details and optional registration (required for Wifi network access at the event) can be found at the Atlanta Linux Fest 2008 home page.
About Software Freedom Day:
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) intended to raise public awareness of the phenomenal benefits and freedoms of using high quality FOSS everywhere that computers and information technology are used. The non-profit company Software Freedom International coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support, giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities.
( more details available at the Software Freedom Day home page. )
When our exchanges of information are handled by computer programs, open standards and Free Software are essential to the survival of Free Speech. We hope you will join us in celebrating and protecting your rights to Freedom of Speech at the Atlanta Linux Fest, 2008!