ALE mailing list bounce issues
The ALE mailing list software is currently experiencing a problem delivering messages to multiple people, which has resulted in it blocking multiple subscribers for excessive bounces to their email accounts. The problem’s currently being investigated. If you’ve noticed that you haven’t received any email from the ALE list recently but are still interested in receiving mail from the list, please log in to the list subscription settings page at (yes, it’s HTTP and not HTTPS, and the password you use for the ALE mailing list should definitely NOT be similar to any other passwords you use anywhere else; Mailman stores them all in plain text so that it can send it back to you if you forget, and by default sends a monthly reminder email of your password) and confirm that the “Mail Delivery” option is set to “Enabled”. Thank you!
JD: This has mainly been seen with gmail, but other large email providers may also be impacted. If you aren’t on gmail and see this issue, please let one of the group organizers know.