OSPREX PROJECT MEETING, Tuesday, April 29, 7:30pm
The first
has been scheduled for
TUESDAY, APRIL 29th, 7:30pm **
NW corner of North Decatur Road
at Scott Blvd. intersection
— Melton’s home page — map
This is a casual brain storming and volunteer organizing
session to consider a plan for expanding ALE outreach and
improving support for the increasingly diverse groups of
people who are now being introduced to (and liberated by)
Linux and Open Source computing.
Everyone reading this is invited to bring ideas and materials
addressing the project goals of building a concise Open Source
educational presentation and delivering it to various Atlanta
area public venues as detailed in the proposal below.
— Given the increasing numbers of successful OSS projects
like Ubuntu, gOS, Firefox, Linspire, OLPC, Open Office,
Mandriva and EEPC, it is clear that Linux and OSS computing
are expanding and gaining greater public acceptance in the
consumer, educational and business market places. To
build on this momentum and public attention, this seems
an especially opportune time for our ALE users group to
expand its outreach and educational efforts to better include
and welcome the diverse groups of freedom seekers that are
now settling the Open Source frontier. Toward that goal,
I’m inviting participation in a project idea that I’ve
tentatively dubbed ALE OSPREX, standing for
Open Source PRomotion and Educational eXchange.
The vision is to build a pre-packaged, community crafted,
easy to deliver 30 to 60 minute presentation targeted at
the general computer user and focused on the numerous
advantages and simplicities of installing and using today’s
ubiquitous Linux and OSS solutions for common computer
tasks. The presentation would be a ready and thorough
teaching tool which active OSS advocates could use
for hosting Linux promotional events, educational forums
or installation workshops at schools, libraries and other
public venues.
In combination with the distribution of Live Install CD’s of
user friendly Linux distros at the events, or as an invitation
to participate in a Linux installation festival, hosting regular
OSPREX presentation events at various locations around
Atlanta could quickly expand the base of enlightened Linux
and OSS users throughout our region. (e.g., one hope is
that we can arrange 2 or 3 OSPREX events as lead up to
the May 17th Ubuntu/ALE Install Fest).
To reach the initial goal the OSPREX project might only
require the commitment of 2 or 3 motivated OSS evangelists,
but to be truly successful in providing broader public education
on the value and values of Open Source, I hope that many
more members of this group will want to contribute their time
and expertise.
With sincere appreciation for your attention,
Aaron Ruscetta
ALE Event Coordinator
arxaaron at gmail
**NOTE that this meeting was moved from the Thursday,
April 24th date announced at this month’s ALE Central.