September ALE-NE Meeting
Topic: Installing Linux on your Linksys – how NOT to make bricks
Presented by: Chris Farris, Room17 Enterprises
Topic Overview:
So you’ve heard that these neat little Linksys routers can run linux. But you’re not entirely sure you want to drop $80-$100 only to turn it into a paper weight. Chris’s talk will cover the basic steps of loading OpenWRT (yet another linux distro) on your LinkSys WRT54GS, configuring it, and some of the neat tricks you can make it do.
OpenWRT is a Linux distribution for the Linksys WRT54G. Like every other distribution these days, it has its own boot and package management system. While initially designed for the WRT54GS it is now supported on several other home “router” devices.
The LinkSys WRT54GS is a combination 802.11g Access point and home internet router. It as 32MB of Ram 8MB of Flash and 5 independently addressable ethernet ports.
Chris Farris is one of the last surviving founders of the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts and still maintains the website and mailing list. He was one of the core organizers of the Atlanta Linux Showcase (1997-2001).
His last presentation for ALE was on Home Automation. He has been using Linux since 1992. Currently he battles spammers and keeps the wheels turning during the wee hours of the morning for Earthlink.
When not doing technical stuff, Chris is Vice Chair of the Gwinnett County Republican Liberty Caucus – a group dedicated to promoting free market and limited government principals in the GOP. He blogs at The Exercise of Vital Powers.