ALE-NW@SPSU meeting Thursday April 10th, 2014 at 7:30pm

Filed at 9:15 am March 24, 2014 under by JD P

ALE-NW Meeting

This ALE-NW@SPSU meeting is being held Thursday April 10th, 2014 at 7:30pm in room J-202 of the Atrium (J) building on the SPSU campus. This is an open meeting. Everyone is invited, students, non-students, old and young.

Topic: Beginning Linux Virtualization with KVM
Date: 4/10 @ 7:30p – 9:30p-ish
Where: SPSU J-202
Presenter: JD P.

Presentation: link

This will be a hands-on demonstration starting with a VERY quick overview of KVM virtualization, then move to an interactive installation onto a basic server configured with just ssh, minimal GUI and nothing else.
Bring a vt-x/amd-v capable Linux system and follow along. We will setup a bridge, install kvm, virt-manager and setup a few VMs on the local machine.

Meeting Preparation:
1) Check for vmx or svm support inside /proc/cpuinfo – to check your system for this capability.
2) DO NOT have other virtualization installed – no VirtualBox or VMware. Bad things can happen if there is a conflict. Dual boot is fine.

JD has been a Linux user since 1993 and started performing DevOps in 1996 while leading a team of cross-platform software developers. First introduced to virtualization in 1989 on MVS, it wasn’t until the late 1990s when VMware Workstation _changed the world_. For the last 15 yrs, he has been working as a systems, infrastructure and enterprise architect.

Virtualization and Linux have been at the center of his virtualization efforts since 2007 including Xen, VirtualBox, qemu, VMware ESX/i and KVM. Prior to that, professional experience with HP, Sun, and IBM virtualization was gained.

ALE-NW **usually** meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at the SPSU campus. Please mark this on your calendar as a reoccurring meeting. The group usually adjourns to the Marietta Diner after the formal meeting.
Simple Directions to ALE-NW Meetings
ALE-NW@SPSU meetings are open events and we hope you will join us! We generally meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, but always watch the email list for specifics. Also remember that topic suggestions and presentation offers for the meetings can be emailed to [ jdp (at) algoloma (dot) com] or [griggs (dot) andy (at) gmail (dot) com]
ALE-NW works closely with the GA-400 Linux Group: Meets most Sundays to discuss Linux. Very newby friendly group.

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