ALE Central, 7:30pm, Thursday, Dec. 8, 2005
2005.01.10 update:
Video DVD of the full meeting is now available at
(anonymous log in)
The main presentation for December’s ALE Central meeting was
on Scalix and was provided by Ben Chapman, Assistant Dean for Information
Technology at the Emory law school.
Scalix allows Unix / Linux based systems to support the common Outlook
client bundled with windows desktops while avoiding some of the problems
and security issues of Microsoft Exchange. The product has a strong technical
pedigree (HP OpenMail is the underlying foundation) and is an outstanding
webmail client. The Emory law school is investigating the deployment of
Scalix to handle approximately 150 faculty and staff email accounts.
Ben Chapman is in charge of the I.T. department at the Emory University
School of Law. Before formally entering the IT field in 1997, he practiced
law for five years with a 40 lawyer firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was
previously IT director for the University of Tulsa College of Law and
has been at Emory since 2003. He has owned some flavor of Unix-based
computer since 1991, and has also owned a Sinclair QL, an Atari 520ST,
an Epson HX-20, an NEC Starlet, and other bits of micro-computing history.
Ben has made his PDF presentation slides available and they are posted here:
Scalix Presentation Slides, 2005.12.08 Central
Right Click on link above to download. Size is 351 KB