An “Open” Invitation to join us for the first
FreeIT Athens
Build Party Road Trip
on Saturday, July 18th, 10:30 am to 7:30 pm
… as a community event sponsored by …
Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts & the
Ubuntu Georgia LoCO
— Our plan is to travel as a carpool caravan to the FreeIT
facilities in Athens, Georgia and spend the afternoon building,
repairing, assembling and installing Linux computer systems
that will be donated to regional educational institutions,
non profit groups and community members in need.
— To facilitate delivery of donated equipment and car
pooling, the Road Trip caravan to FreeIT Athens will
congregate at the Fry’s parking lot (S.W. corner) near
I-85 and Pleasant Hill road, adjacent to the Gwinnett
Place Mall. Volunteers should arrive between 10:00am
and 10:30am as we hope to depart by 10:45am and
arrive at FreeIT in Athens by about Noon. Plans are
to work at FreeIT until about 6:00pm, then drive out
to arrive back at Frys by 7:30pm.
— NOTE: Additional equipment donations will be
accepted in the Frys parking lot (S.W. corner) from
10:00am until departure time. Please see the FreeIT
donations page for specifics.
— Volunteers can bring their own lunch or participate in
a group lunch order; collections will be taken and food
ordered upon arrival at FreeIT Athens. Donations of frosty
beverages for the afternoon will also be most welcome.
Dinner and post-road-trip frivolities at an establishment
in the vicinity of Gwinnett Mall may ensue as participating
volunteers are motivated.
— All volunteers and participants are, of course, welcome
to make their own travel arrangements to FreeIT Athens
as they see fit, though we request that you still RSVP to
help us better coordinate the event effort.
Please contact:
Aaron Ruscetta,
ALE Events Coordinator (etc)
cell: 404.315.0406 [ 11am to 11pm any day ]
Free IT Athens is Located at
594 Oconee St
Athens, GA 30605
(706) 621-6157
We thank you for your Attention and
we welcome your Participation!
Let the helpful Open Support Communities of Ubuntu GA
& ALE help you upgrade to the totally Free, Freedom Friendly
and Permanent ESCAPE from the “PANE” of Windows computer
diseases by joining us for
The Spring, 2009
ALE Ubuntu
Linux Install Fest
Saturday, May 16, 2009, 9:30am to 5:00pm
at Emory Law School Gambrell Hall, Room 5e
[ Directions to Gambrell Hall ]
ALE Ubuntu Linux Install Fests are open to anyone and everyone
who uses information technology in their work or their play, but
shares a desire to make their computer experience as pleasant
and engaging as possible. Discover the best in Familiar, Modern,
User Friendly, Fully Secure and Hardware Compatible solutions
that Free Software has to offer. Explore the Freedom Friendly
computer tools that set you Free to actually enjoy your personal
information technology again!
The Open Source development model of GNU Linux programs
generates the most secure and reliable software possible.
Let the OSS and IT professionals of Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
and Ubuntu-Georgia show you the most popular free choices
in healthy, robust software and answer your questions about
Open Source and freedom friendly GNU Linux computing.
We’ll be providing the knowledge, parts and tools to make it
easy for you to extend the life of your PC systems and keep
them out of the landfill! With a Linux OS your existing PC will
be immune from Windows diseases and spyware, so it will
be faster, more functional, more friendly and more fun to run
than ever! We will have monitors, mice, keyboards and
internet access on hand so that all you have to bring
is your working laptop or desktop CPU with a working CD
or DVD drive. Whether exploring or installing Ubuntu
Linux, the process is SYSTEM SAFE: by default, the demo
and install tools will retain all of your existing environments,
programs and data files.
The full list of support at the 2009 ALE Ubuntu Install Fest will include:
— Hands on demo systems where you can experiment with all that Linux offers
and find out just how simple and familiar free computing choices are.
— Assistance with safely trying Linux on your AMD/Intel system with an Ubuntu
Live CD that lets you explore and test the free Linux Desktop environment
and dozens of useful free applications that are included.
— Knowledgeable, patient help with installing Linux onto your system hard drive
when you decide that Free Computer Freedom is a really great deal!
— Free Copies of the Ubuntu v9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope” Live Install CD along
with other Linux OSS package disks will be available to everyone attending.
— Demonstrations of the free Ubuntu Desktop and other major Open Source
software like Open Office packages will be offered at the Install Fest.
— A plethora of Linux & Ubuntu experts at the ready to assist with any
questions about anything involving Open Source, Linux and Ubuntu.
To learn more about Ubuntu GNU Linux and the
Ubuntu “Jaunty Jackalope” 9.04 release specifically,
please visit
Note that free Ubuntu Live CD’s can also be ordered, requested or downloaded
for burning anytime
To get a broader view taste of the many choices in Free,
Freedom Friendly, Open Source Operating Environments,
For any additional information needs, please contact:
Aaron Ruscetta, 404.315.0406 //
Let the Linux Support Communities of Ubuntu & ALE help you Upgrade
to the Free, Painless and Permanent cure for every PC computer disease!
Discover the Healthy Freedom of GPL Open Source
& Linux Internet Computing!
ALE Linux Install Fests are designed to welcome anyone and everyone who
works, plays or tinkers with computers to expand their knowledge of the
many Familiar, User Friendly and Hardware Compatible solutions for
enhancing your digital experience. Learn about all the Industry Leading
options in free software and operating environments that can help you
escape from the endless cycle of commercial computer viruses and
spyware at:
The Fall 2008 Ubuntu Linux
Install Fest
Saturday, November 8, 10:00am to 5:00pm
at Emory Law School Gambrell Hall, Room 5e
[ Directions to Gambrell Hall ]
Generous, friendly and informed Open Source technology professionals
from Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts and Ubuntu-Georgia will be availabe all day
to demo the most popular free choices in virus free software and answer
your questions about Open Source, freedom friendly Linux computing.
Experts will be on hand with the knowledge, tools and peripherals to
make it easy for you to extend the life of your current PC systems and
keep them out of the landfill! Make your PC faster, more useful, more
functional, more friendly and disease free! Free CD and DVD copies of
Ubuntu and other Open Source Linux Software bundles will be available
for anyone to try or install!
We help provide all the monitors, mice, keyboards and support systems
so that all you have to bring is your laptop or computer CPU case.
Experimenting or Installing Ubuntu Linux is entirely SYSTEM SAFE, too!
By default, the Ubuntu exploration and installation processes will retain
all of your existing environments, programs and data files.
The full list of free fun for the Fall 2008 ALE Ubuntu Install Fest will include:
— Hands on demo systems where you can experiment with all that Linux offers
and find out just how simple and familiar free computing choices are.
— Assistance with safely booting your AMD/Intel PC or Mac with an Ubuntu Live
Install CD so you can freely explore and test the free Linux Desktop environment
and any of the many dozens of useful free programs that are included, all without
making any changes to your existing system whatsoever.
— Knowledgeable, patient help with installing Linux onto your system hard drive
when you decide that Free Computer Freedom is a really great deal!
— Free Copies of the Ubuntu v8.10 “Intrepid Ibex” Live Install CD (as well as
other Linux OSS package disks) will be available to everyone attending.
Note that free Ubuntu Live CD’s can also be ordered, requested or downloaded
for burning anytime
— Demonstrations of the free Ubuntu Desktop and other major Open Source
software like Open Office packages will be offered at the Install Fest.
— Light refreshments will be available throughout the day and lunch will be
available for a modest contribution.
— A plethora of Linux & Ubuntu experts at the ready to assist with any questions
about anything involving Open Source, Linux and Ubuntu.
To learn more about Ubuntu GNU Linux and the
Ubuntu “Intrepid Ibex” 8.10 release specifically,
please visit
To get a taste of all the choices in Free,
Open Source Operating Environments,
For any additional information needs, please contact:
Aaron Ruscetta, 404.315.0406 //
Celebrate this year’s
Software Freedom Day
by joining ALE at the
Atlanta Linux Fest 2008!
Saturday, September 20th, 11am to 6pm
The Linux Fest event is being hosted by IBM at their
IBM Hillside Conference Center
4111 Northside Pkwy.
Atlanta, GA. 30327
(Northwest Atlanta, I-75 @ Northside Pkwy)
The Atlanta Linux Fest 2008 is an opportunity to learn more about the many freedoms that Linux OS environments and GNU Open Source Software are providing throughout the world. It emphasizes the benefits of using freely distributable open source software in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere! Software Freedom Day sponsors include Google, Sun, Canonical [Ubuntu], the Free Software Foundation and many other computer industry leaders and innovators.
There will be demos of all the major Linux distributions, installation help, user support for all your favorite Open Source software tools, and drawings for prizes! All you have to do is register to come (it’s free!) and there will be pizza available for a $5 donation to the event.
Additional details and optional registration (required for Wifi network access at the event) can be found at the Atlanta Linux Fest 2008 home page.
About Software Freedom Day:
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) intended to raise public awareness of the phenomenal benefits and freedoms of using high quality FOSS everywhere that computers and information technology are used. The non-profit company Software Freedom International coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support, giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities.
( more details available at the Software Freedom Day home page. )
When our exchanges of information are handled by computer programs, open standards and Free Software are essential to the survival of Free Speech. We hope you will join us in celebrating and protecting your rights to Freedom of Speech at the Atlanta Linux Fest, 2008!
When the virus of MS Windows has become the disease,
Ubuntu Linux is your painless and permanent cure!
Discover the Healthy Freedom of
Open Source & Linux Technology!
Let us introduce you to all the Familiar, User Friendly
and System Compatible solutions for enhancing your
Personal Computer experience at:
The Spring 2008 Ubuntu Linux
Install Fest & Forum
A public invitation to Free Software, Free Technical Help
and Free Information from the generous, patient, friendly
and informed Open Source technology professionals of
Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts and Ubuntu-Georgia
Saturday, May 17, 9:00am to 5:00pm
at Emory Law School Gambrell Hall, Room 5e
[ Directions to Gambrell Hall ]
ALE Install Festivals are a great way to RESTORE, REVIVE OR RECYCLE
OLDER PC’s and keep them out of the landfill. EXTEND THE LIFE OF YOUR
We help provide all the peripheral parts like monitors, mice and keyboards so
that all you have to bring is your laptop or computer CPU case and we’ll help
you discover how seamlessly Ubuntu Linux will work for you and your system!
And note that experimenting with Ubuntu is entirely USER SAFE. By default,
the Ubuntu exploration and installation processes will KEEP ALL YOUR
(though you can also choose to entirely remove all M$ viruses from
your system as an additional bonus of choosing to switch to Linux).
Like most everything Linux, the ALE Linux & Ubuntu Install Festivals are
totally FREE and OPEN to anyone and everyone interested in learning
how using their computers and exploring the internet can be cheaper,
simpler, easier, safer and a whole lot more fun.
Other features of the Spring 2008 Install Fest will include:
— Hands on demo systems where you can experiment with all that Linux offers
and find out just how simple and familiar free computing choices are.
— Assistance with safely booting your AMD/Intel PC or Mac with an Ubuntu Live
Install CD so you can freely explore and test the free Linux Desktop environment
and any of the many dozens of useful free programs that are included, all without
making any changes to your existing system whatsoever.
— Knowledgeable, patient help with installing Linux onto your system hard drive
when you decide that Free Computer Freedom is a really great deal!
— Free Copies of the Ubuntu Hardy Heron (v8.04 LTS) Live Install CD will be
available to everyone attending. Note that free Ubuntu Live CD’s can also be
ordered, requested or downloaded for burning anytime
— Demonstrations of the free Ubuntu Desktop and other major Open Source
software like Open Office packages will be offered at the Install Fest.
— Light refreshments will be available throughout the day and lunch will be
available for a modest contribution.
— A plethora of Linux & Ubuntu experts at the ready to assist with any questions
about anything involving Open Source, Linux and Ubuntu.
An event schedule and related information can be found HERE.
To learn more about Ubuntu GNU Linux and the Hardy Heron 8.04
release specifically, please visit
For any additional information needs, please contact:
Aaron Ruscetta, 404.315.0406 //