Our Featured Topic for the Thursday, Oct. 20th,
7:30pm ALE Central meeting will be
“Clearing the Myth(st) from some Cloudy Concepts”
and will feature a pair of casual HowTo demonstrations of
two notable options for Linux based virtualization platforms:
“Explorations of the RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Platform”
presented by Jim Kinney
“Trying out Eucalyptus Cloud on a Small Cluster”
presented by [Michael | Wolf] Halton
Our ALE Central meetings are usually held at Emory
Law School in the Gambrel Hall lecture room 1C.
Our meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at
The feature presentation for our ALE Central Meeting at
7:30pm on Thursday, Sept. 15th, 2011 will be:
The Keys to Using SSH
with David Tomaschik
— The Secure Shell, or SSH, is a powerful communications tool
most often used for securely accessing a command-line session
on a remote system. As essential as that functionality is, there is
much more to SSH than that. This talk will introduce SSH, and
discuss integral applications including secure file transfer,
accessing services behind a firewall, and running graphical
applications software remotely. Specific topics include:
– Starting with SSH
– SSH Keys
– Secure File Copying (SCP)
– Port Forwarding
– X11 Forwarding
– Advanced SSH options and functions
– David is a system administrator and Drupal developer at
Kennesaw State University. Additionally, he is currently
pursuing a M.S. in Information Security from Georgia Tech.
When he’s not at the computer (a rare event), he enjoys
sci-fi books and movies and amateur photography.
This is a reprise of the talk offered at ALE NW / SPSU
on Sept. 8th, though to better address the experienced
ALE Central audience some advanced topics are being
added. Slides of the original talk have been posted here:
Our ALE Central meetings are usually held at Emory
Law School in the Gambrel Hall lecture room 1C.
Our meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at
The feature presentation for our ALE Central Meeting at
7:30pm on Thursday, August 18th, 2011 will be:
“The Seven Most Deadly Sins of Linux Securityâ€
presented by Bob Toxen
– Bob Toxen will discuss the seven most deadly sins of Linux security
and how to avoid them with time for Q&A. Key points include:
=> Understanding the seven most deadly sins
=> Password issues
=> Open network ports
=> Insecure and badly configured programs
=> How to protect against new unforseen vulnerabilities
=> The trade-offs between security and convenience
– Participants will learn how to decide what software to install while
installing Linux and how to harden a Linux system after the installation
to greatly reduce the likelihood of a break-in. This presentation is
unique in that a few key techniques will be explained that allow any
SysAdmin — newbie or with decades of experience — to harden a desktop,
laptop, or server in an hour or two so that it will be orders of magnitude
more difficult to compromise.
– Mr. Bob Toxen is author of Real World Linux Security Second Edition, 848pp
published by Prentice Hall PTR. He is a world-class expert on Linux and
UNIX security and mixed-OS network security using Linux. His 30+ years of
UNIX and 16 years of Linux experience including being one of the developers
of Berkeley UNIX and being one of the four creators of Silicon Graphics’ UNIX.
– His consulting practice focuses on hardening Linux servers, security
consulting, Linux System Administration, network and computer security
using low cost Linux solutions, including firewalls, virus and spam
filters, VPNs, teaching computer security around the world, and more.
Related link:
Real World Linux Security (2nd Edition)
The meeting will be held at Emory Law School in our
usual Gambrel Hall, room 1C venue.
Our meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at
The feature presentation for our ALE Central Meeting
at 7:30pm on Thursday, July 21st, 2011 will be:
“An Introduction to Drupal CMS”
presented by David Tomaschik
— MP4 Pixeo of this presentation is now available for download
courtesy Steve Brown and Fabric.com at:
— and via Torrent with the torrent file at:
— and among other ALE presentations courtesy of Aaron at:
— with the presentation slides available courtesy David at:
– Drupal is a freely distributable open source Content Management
System used for building everything from basic websites to web
applications and social media sites. Drupal is scalable and can
be tailored to meet many needs, from small personal sites to
sites that get millions of hits a day. This presentation will cover
everything from choosing a hosting platform to building content
to utilizing the power of community contributed modules, with
specific topics including:
– Why is Drupal the right choice?
– Choosing a hosting platform
– Initial installation and configuration
– Building basic content
– Managing themes, blocks, and other features
– The power of “contrib” (community-contributed modules)
– An overview of custom development
– How to run multiple sites from one codebase
— David is a system administrator and Drupal developer at Kennesaw
State University. Additionally, he is currently pursuing a M.S. in
Information Security from Georgia Tech. When he’s not at the computer
(a rare event), he enjoys sci-fi books and movies and amateur
The meeting will be held at Emory Law School in our
usual Gambrel Hall, room 1C venue.
Our meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at
…and if you missed our March meeting, be sure to
check out Davids excellent presentation on
“Protecting Privacy, Identity & Systems with GnuPG”
available at http://arxion.net/ale/
Our feature presentation for the ALE Central Meeting
on Thursday, June 16th, at 7:30pm will be:
“Remote Presentation & Collaboration
with the Big Blue Button”
presented by Crawford Rainwater of the Linux ETC company
via an interactive Big Blue Button connection from Colorado.
— Crawford Rainwater will be using our own ALE Big Blue Button
account (generously hosted for us by Linux-Etc) to conduct a real
time demonstration of the features and use of this FLOSS streaming
server for live, interactive remote presentation and collaboration.
— Attending in person at our Emory Law School venue is encouraged
as the most complete experience, but remote attendance for up to 8
ALE members will also be provided on a first come first serve basis.
Email arxaaron[at]gmail.com to request access to our account and
the June 16th meeting.
— Crawford Rainwater is the CEO of Linux ETC, the Linux Education
& Technical Consulting company, located in Westminster, Colorado.
He is also an active member of ALE through the ALE mailing list.
We will be meeting at our usual venue: Emory Law School,
Gambrel Hall, rm 1C. Meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at