ALE Central Mtg. for Thursday, Aug. 9, 2007

Filed at 2:33 pm August 9, 2007 under by Ruscetta

In recognition of California’s recently released report
on their independent testing and successful hacking
of the same zero evidence Diebold computer election
systems which we are forced vote with here in Georgia…

Our ALE Central Meeting presentation for
Thursday, August 9th, 7:30pm will be:

“Invisible Ballots vs Open Voting:
The Challenge of Exposing Computerized
Election Fraud”

a Documentary Screening and Discussion
moderated by Aaron Ruscetta in association
with Defenders of Democracy

.   The presentation will use segments from the documentary
“Invisible Ballots” as discussion points for the various technical
and ethical concerns surrounding the electronic voting issues.
.   Special focus will be given to Georgia’s corrupting influence
as the first State to allow a private corporation to monopolize
its entire public election process using costly, proprietary
computer voting systems that, by design, provide no public
means of exposing software failures or election fraud.
.   For contrast and comparison, the presentation will consider
the options in legitimate and transparent election processes,
examining the importance of Open Source system software
and the work of the Open Voting Consortium, a group that
helped motivate the recent University of California “red team”
testing of computer voting systems.

.   Aaron Ruscetta has been a participating member of ALE
since migrating to the Linux platform in 1999. He regularly
contributes to the community as an Event Coordinator and
Central Meeting Moderator.  He has been studying election
systems and voting rights issues extensively since January,
2003. As a founding member of the Defenders of Democracy
voter advocacy organization he has presented on the topic of
electronic voting for various events and for numerous groups
including the Atlanta Freethought Society, Electronic Frontiers
Georgia and the InterZ0ne computer security conference. As
a volunteer citizen lobbyist he has also provided professional
testimony on voting system issues at State election board
meetings and several Georgia Assembly committee hearings.

Related Links:
— Article on California Red Team Testing
— Defenders of Democracy
— VoterGA (lawsuit to stop zero evidence elections)
— Open Voting Consortium

Meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School are at the
Central Meeting link on the side bar.

We will be meeting in room 5F (top floor
of Gambrel Hall) due to renovations of the
1st floor lecture rooms. The 1st floor east
side entry may be locked – use the 2nd floor
entry by the library.

Comments are closed.