[ale] Is there a system to encourage using styles?

Tom Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Mon Oct 5 11:36:39 EDT 2015

On Mon, 5 Oct 2015, Jason van Gumster wrote:

> Tom Freeman <tfreeman at intel.digichem.net> wrote:
>> A subquestion would be can LibreOffice/OpenOffice be reskinned to provide
>> much the same effect?
> I use styles pretty heavily when I write in LibreOffice and I tend to write
> with the whole Styles panel visible (enabled by pressing F11) while I write. I
> also cull the (rather over-extensive) list of styles in that list to just the
> ones I frequently use. Not only does doing this offer quick access to various
> styles, but it serves as a constant reminder that styles exist and that I
> should use them.
> You could save such a layout as a start-up preference and, with a little gentle
> prodding/instruction, you could coerce a person into writing with a more
> style-based structure.
>  -Jason

Last two/three months I've started going down that path myself. The rate 
limiting step seems to be convincing fingers and eyes that styles are 
sufficiently important. Well, that and the minor detail that most 
employers I get involved with specify MS Office <retch>

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