[ale] Is there a system to encourage using styles?

Jason van Gumster fweeb at monsterjavaguns.com
Mon Oct 5 15:53:29 EDT 2015

Tom Freeman <tfreeman at intel.digichem.net> wrote:


> Last two/three months I've started going down that path myself. The rate 
> limiting step seems to be convincing fingers and eyes that styles are 
> sufficiently important. Well, that and the minor detail that most 
> employers I get involved with specify MS Office <retch>

Hotkeys help. For example, in LibreOffice, I love having Ctrl+[Number key] for
setting Header styles (1 through 6, respectively). In fact, if I'm forced to
work in MS Word, those are some of the first hotkeys that I set. Shortcuts like
that are great for keeping styles in mind, but sufficiently unobtrusive in
terms of applying them.


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