[ale] CentOS repositories question

Jeff Hubbs jhubbslist at att.net
Mon May 11 23:02:23 EDT 2015

On 5/11/15 9:17 PM, Jerald Sheets wrote:
> Unfortunately, to Jeff’s point, most serious app vendors (and even some not-so-serious ones) will only support the “biggies” of the Linux world such as RedHat & SuSE (and to a lesser extent Debian) even though CentOS is binary compatible to RHEL…. >shrug<
> As much as you and I and everyone else on the list would like all our favorite distros supported, the market just won’t go there.
Which in my view was a state of affairs common in the 1980s and 1990s 
that we sought refuge from with Linux and other Open Source software.  I 
got tired of being painted into platform corners with this or that piece 
of software; it's a shame people have let themselves get right back into 
that regime again.

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