[ale] Re: cucipop HELP

Mike Taylor taylor at syrinx.jeffnet.org
Fri Nov 22 18:37:36 EST 1996

On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, Jon-Michael J. DeBona wrote:

> ...just installed cucipop...we were running an old version of qpopper...
> When I use my mail client, to read mail, messages are not getting pulled
> of the server (I already checked the obvious on my mail client).  The
> same is happening for everyone else.
> ...need help fast...Thanks!

Sorry, can't help.  The same thing happened to me.  Someone infered that 
I didn't configure it correctly before compiling (III don't think so), 
but haven't had time to figure it out yet.  switched back to qpopper 
until cucipop has NO problems.  I can wait.

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