HELP Xconfig

randy at randy at
Tue Nov 15 12:21:11 EST 1994


	I have had linux installed on my machine and I decided
to use the infomagic 2.01 Slackware release.  I backed up my
critical files to a hard drive and that drive was toasted.

I now have Slackware 2.01 and my Xconfig clocks and modes are
not set.

So, does anyone have information on a Dell 486P50 with a
Paradise VGA card built in it is of WD90c31 chipset and
my monitor is a DELL ultrascan 15.  I had 1024x760 before.

HELP PLEASE.  Now when I get X to run, at 640x480 some things are
o.k. but when I exit X, my monitor goes haywire and hisses and 
snowy lines are everywhere....

Randy Arrowood
randy at

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