[ale] Weird ssh problem

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Tue Feb 11 18:57:38 EST 2025

On 2/11/2025 3:17 PM, DJPfulio--- via Ale wrote:
> In 24.04 a few ciphers were removed from ssh defaults.  I suspect putty 
> and filezilla either don't support the newer defaults, but I really 
> don't know.
> Pretty much any Linux file manager will support sftp:// URLs, so he 
> doesn't need filezilla at all.  Just needs to install the gvfs-backends 
> and ... ssh for them to work. Just tested pcmanfm with gvfs-backends and 
> sftp://xxxxxxxx URLs (I have ssh-keys between most of my systems) and it 
> worked fine.  The source was a Mint 21.3 system in a VM.  I have a Mint 
> 22.0 elsewhere, but it isn't booted. Pretty certain I've tested this 
> before and it worked.

I just loaded Mint 22.1 (which is based on Ubuntu 24.04) into a 
VirtualBox here, installed putty and filezilla.  Both worked connecting 
to this server.  I don't think it's a problem with out-of-the-box putty 
and filezilla on Mint.

> If this developer can't actually deal with Linux development, maybe he 
> isn't the right guy for your Linux development needs? Just sayin'.

He appears to be primarily a web developer (we're having him upgrade 
some Drupal sites).  I don't think he's doing Linux development per se, 
he doing web site work, and happens to be using a Mint box to do it. 
He's doing work on remote servers.

> I'd never tell a developer to use VSCode, but that's a personal issue.

It's just that with the problems we're seeing, the only solution I can 
think of is VSCode with the 'Remote - SSH' extension (which I use 
myself), as I know it normally uses the standard ssh command, and that's 
the only thing that's working connecting ssh to my server.

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net | For the wise man, doing right trumps
http://oloryn.benshome.net/     | looking right.  For the fool, looking
Amateur Radio NJ8J              | right trumps doing right.

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