[ale] [EXTERNAL] Is PHP the easiest way to make a web application?

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Thu Jun 13 09:41:24 EDT 2024

On 6/13/24 03:08, Steve Litt via Ale wrote:
> Adrya Stembridge via Ale said on Wed, 5 Jun 2024 09:25:55 -0400
>> Thirding LAMP stack for simple and quick development project.
> Thanks Adrya,
> I'm guessing you mean [perl | python | ruby] CGI. I used to do that.
> Trouble is, I needed to build every scaffold for every start tag and
> end tag, and I needed to write all the sanitization code from scratch.

Perl has a 'taint' mode and if you use DBIx for all DBMS access, then it handles all escaping to prevent nasty things.  Basically, you only need to specific valid inputs all others will be refused.

As for tags - use Template::Toolkit.  It is more complex than just doing it manually, but it is 1000x more extensible and they've thought of everything you might want/need to do in the display layer.  Keeping the display layer separate from the business logic is programming 101 stuff.

Or did I misinterpret everything?

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