[ale] Lower cost hosting for ALE

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Wed Dec 19 16:36:32 EST 2018

On 2018-12-19 13:01, James Sumners via Ale wrote:
> Chiming in late because, *shocker*, I was working all day. I actually tried
> to squash that flame fest before it really started by contacting a couple
> people off-list to suggest they just ignore the instigator. The
> instigator's posts since joining have always been antagonistic. Sadly, it
> didn't work.

To your credit you did try and it was helpful.  Unfortunately my last
message was already out in the ether by the time yours showed up in my
inbox otherwise it would have worked.  The ability to type faster than
reason isn't always a good thing.

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