[ale] Semi Ot: email to sms

DJ-Pfulio DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Thu Oct 8 21:25:32 EDT 2015

Fetchmail + procmail?

It would be easier if the mail came to a normal MTA - then fetchmail
could be dropped.  Used to run remote tasks for SW builds via email
control msgs to a specific account based on the subject.

The old pi at hz.com service worked this way too, I bet.

On 10/08/2015 08:46 PM, Boris Borisov wrote:
> My company ( the company I work for :) use exchange email. Is there
> solution for following task? Email client receive email as usual, crops the
> garbage from email body and sends new email to the SMS  gateway.
> I suppose:
> 1. I need email client that works with exchange but stores in some easy to
> read format aka txt. Open source ???
> 2. Script to grep what I need from email.
> 3. Send new formated email to SMS gateway.
> Any info very welcome ....

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