[ale] OT - Replacement Gate Remote

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Fri May 22 16:36:33 EDT 2015

Somewhat more off topic.  When I was a teenager in the circa 1960 time 
frame,  I had a pair of 10 meter (ham band) portable transceivers (HT) 
by Heathkit.  When a friend/fellow amateur and I were testing the range, 
we discovered that we could open and close a garage door on a neighbor's 
house by whistling into the mike.  That was great fun until we got 
caught.  Obviously those early openers were operating on the 27 Mhz 
citizen band and tone activated.  The receivers were so wide that our 
29.6 Mhz transmitters at maybe a watt would trigger them.

On 05/21/2015 10:45 AM, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
> the real reason Chamberlain made multi code remotes was because low flying planes were accidentally opening garage doors -

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