[ale] Personal Collaboration/Cloud Server

DJ-Pfulio DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sat May 9 07:27:59 EDT 2015

Anyone played with https://sandstorm.io/ ?

They have plugins to run your own:
* chat server
* Groove - music server
* GitLab
* Redit Clones (a few threaded conversation boards)
* Image Management (2 options)
* Multiple Note Taking apps - Paperwork
* RSS Feed Reader - TinyTinyRSS (don't let big brother watch what you read
* Presentation Creator - HackerSlides
* draw.io
* EtherCalc
* EtherPad
About 10 more ...

I haven't tried anything - they host it or we can grab the code.
They have a very interesting security model, not sure I understand it yet. Every
object/document is sandboxed. Application packages are mounted read-only.

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