[ale] Wut ails ye?

leam hall leamhall at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 09:10:45 EST 2015

While ALE isn't quite dead yet, I'm hoping it will turn around
dramatically. The ideas that have been bouncing around in my head
include doing stuff with Linux-related and Linux type things, as well
as assisting with local professional development.

For the first, things like Puppet/Chef/Ansible/Salt, etc. Systems
programming, helping with Open Source projects, Docker,
AWS/Rackspace/Cloud. Lots of options that either stem directly from or
benefit directly from Linux skills.

For the second, helping people see what they need to learn/do/study to
progress. What certs are useful from a "get hired" view and helping
open doors to professional growth. For example, don't we have some
SuSE strengths here? Feel free to ask for testers, documenters,
coders, or whatever else you need. Don't hesitate to talk about your
project so the rest of us can see what's going on.

Does that sound like a useful idea?


Mind on a Mission

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