[ale] Wut ails ye?

Paul Cartwright pbcartwright at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 09:29:52 EST 2015

I know a lot of "older" folks that have/had Windows XP and don't want a
new computer.. Windows 8 bombed.. people are looking for alternatives
and Linux is a good one. So I think there is still a great need for
linux user groups to HELP newbies get into linux.

> While ALE isn't quite dead yet, I'm hoping it will turn around
> dramatically. The ideas that have been bouncing around in my head
> include doing stuff with Linux-related and Linux type things, as well
> as assisting with local professional development.
> For the first, things like Puppet/Chef/Ansible/Salt, etc. Systems
> programming, helping with Open Source projects, Docker,
> AWS/Rackspace/Cloud. Lots of options that either stem directly from or
> benefit directly from Linux skills.
> For the second, helping people see what they need to learn/do/study to
> progress. What certs are useful from a "get hired" view and helping
> open doors to professional growth. For example, don't we have some
> SuSE strengths here? Feel free to ask for testers, documenters,
> coders, or whatever else you need. Don't hesitate to talk about your
> project so the rest of us can see what's going on.
> Does that sound like a useful idea?
> Leam

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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