[ale] OT: Service for a Novatel USB cell modem

Jeff Hubbs jhubbslist at att.net
Sat Jan 14 12:43:25 EST 2012

*I have a Novatel USB760* *3G EVDO Rev-A USB modem that I picked up from 
Verizon last year.  I went month-to-month thinking that I wouldn't 
necessarily use it all the time, so I have it free and clear.

As I recall, the Verizon service offering that I was using gave me 
1GB/month at about $50/month.  Now they say * that the plan pricing is 
the same on the month-to-month and the contract plan, starting at $50 
for 5GB.

I'd like some advice on more agreeable plans that I can use this device 
with.  I don't want to have to keep going through this thing where I 
won't use it for a while then have to go though this whole re-activation 
process that can wind up amounting to $50 for maybe an hour's total 
use.  Now that I'm in grad school fulltime, I need ready availability 
for light/moderate use at less cost - it's OK if it's at a reduced 
bandwidth; I just want to get connected wherever/whenever without it 
costing something like $600/year.  I do have an iPhone 3G under AT&T; if 
there's a reasonable tethering option there I'm open to it.  What might 
I look into?
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