[ale] [OT] Great Geek Giveaway! DATE CHANGE
rs at ale.spam.futz.org
Wed Jun 15 23:40:42 EDT 2011
>Due to a family matter, I must postpone the GGG until June 25 as I
>will not be around this Saturday.
Hmmm.. I've been wanting to convert my cave into a media room.. you're just
around the corner from me, and postponing just might give me time to sort
through my junk... It will probably be so crowded that nobody would notice
someone with a hand-truck adding to the pile instead of taking from it. :-)
And as Arlo Guthrie said, "one big pile is better than two little piles."
Everyone sing along now...
You can get anything you want, from Jim's base-a-ment
You can get anything you want, from Jim's base-a-ment
Walk right in it's around the back
Just a half a mile from the railroad track
You can get anything you want, from Jim's base-a-ment
Da da da da da da da dum
From Jim's base-a-ment
Arguing with an Engineer is like wrestling a pig in mud.
After a while you realize the pig is enjoying it.
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