[ale] Using LiveUSB for Fedora

Chuck Payne terrorpup at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 11:18:39 EDT 2010

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Scott Castaline <skotchman at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Looking for advice on utilizing a LiveUSB Flash Drive. I'll be going
> to Fla. for several weeks and want to be able to use Fedora on a Windows
> PC without actually installing it on the hard drive. I want to know the
> following:
> 1. Recommended sizes of flash drive
> 2. Will I be able to install additional software onto the drive?
> 3. Can I change the LiveUser to another user?
> 4. Can I copy files from my home system onto the LiveUSB?
> 5. How changeable is the system once booted?
> I have installed Fedora 13 Live using liveusb-create onto a 2GB Flash
> Drive and attempted to install GnuCash. It came up with a large list of
> dependencies that needed to be also installed and then appeared to do
> nothing, so I'm not sure if maybe the 2GB is not enough room or it just
> can't do it. Any assistance would be appreciated. Also I plan on using
> Fedora 13 x86_32 as I'm not sure what the system specs are that I'll be
> using.
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I would commend 8 Gig to 16 Gig flash drive. I used SUSE studio to
create me a nice portable Gnome desktop. I know that Fedora recommends
1gig, but if you are going to use it a lot have a bit of space to grow


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