[ale] New Year's Resolution: Upgrade to Kubuntu 9.10

Gray Frost grayf327 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 19:07:35 EST 2010

I always cp my /etc/X11/xorg.conf or the /etc/fstab file if you are doing
anything special.
If you are playing any games (WOW, Guild Wars, etc) in wine you may want to
capture all of the game folders.  If nothing else capture the regedit file
or settings and maybe note the infomation in winecfg.
If you have any aliases save them.  Mine are stored in the
home/yourusername/.bash_aliases file.  For ease I just copy
my .bash* to a folder (keep in mind they will be hidden)
If you have any scripts be sure go save your home/yourusrrname/bin folder if
that's where you put them?
I know it is not a big deal but note any setting you have in you mail client
like any of the set up parameters (if you use).  You may want to export any
mail files if you use a client.
An easy what you save or transfer your Firefox bookmarks is to set up Xmarks
using Firefox add-ons.
I use the Nvidia 3D drivers and they seem just fine in my games.

>Am I missing anything? Anyone know how much pain my 8.10 (KDE 4.1)
>desktop config files are gonna give a 9.10 (KDE 4.3) install?
>Has anyone done qt3 development on kubuntu 9.10, which ships with QT4?
>What about going from FireFox 3.0.3 to FireFox 3.5? Do the Nvidia 3D
>drivers work OK ( I'm running some programs which require OpenGL
>support on a GeForce 6200 )?
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