[ale] Extreme Practical Data Recovery

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 09:38:54 EDT 2008


Don't have the presentation, but the 3 main concepts were:

1) The freezer trick works, so try it.  (12-24 hours in the freezer,
then immediately to your recovery machine.  When I have done this, I
put the drive in a antistatic ziplock style bag to keep moisture out.

2) There are 2 specialized tools.  ddrescue and dd_rescue.  One of
them was recommended.  (Don't remember which, sorry)

3) Find an identical make / model harddrive on ebay, etc.  Swap the
board electronics.

And if that fails hire pros with a clean room that can swap internal
drive components.


2008/7/17 Chris Farris <jcfarris at gmail.com>:
> So I've got a dead drive here with all my Boss's family photos on it. I
> figure I could get a nice two week paid vacation if I managed to recover
> them. However I can't for the life of me find Mike's November 2007 "Extreme
> Practical Data Recovery" presentation. Google has once again failed me.
> While a `grep -r` on wittsend would probably do the trick, trying to hack
> Mike's server is not a course of action to be taken by individuals who like
> the simple things in life - like breathing. So, I'm resorting to a bleg from
> anyone on the list who knows where the presentation is.
> Thanks
> Chris
> PS, in appreciation I offer the following somewhat off-topic link:
> http://seantevis.com/kansas/3000/running-for-office-xkcd-style/
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Greg Freemyer
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
First 99 Days Litigation White Paper -

The Norcross Group
The Intersection of Evidence & Technology

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