[ale] Since we're on the subject of jobs lately

tom tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Wed Jul 16 11:15:36 EDT 2008

On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Jim Lynch wrote:

> JK wrote:
>> Pete Hardie wrote:
>>> 2008/7/16 Warren Myers <volcimaster at gmail.com>:
>>>> I'd argue that the company is trying to sell itself to you - and that if you
>>> I'd consider that there are a great many people involved in the hiring
>>> process that are not
>>> judging your competence by how you answer questions - the HR people,
>>> the managers,
>>> the directors, etc.  They are not going to ask you to solve a problem,
>>> they are going to
>>> look at your appearance, manners, and such.  And many of *those*
>>> people are not the
>>> "best and brightest" so they *do* consider attire in the equation.
>> And if those are the people making the hiring decisions, you
>> probably don't want to work there.
> I have to agree with that last statement, but I've been on both sides of
> the fence and I've yet to find a HR puke that had any input into the
> decision whatsoever.   I hope I don't offend anyone but HR folks like to
> say they are there to help people, but they are really a tool of
> management and they will most likely only help you out the door.

My limited experience is that HR is to keep laws happy, and keep 
applicants from contacting hiring influences. Treat them nicely, because 
they may be able to block you, and be ready to end run them at need.

YMMV, of course.

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