[ale] Comcast speeds

Scott McDonald twopeanuts at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 15:42:45 EDT 2007

Well, let's see....  I don't work for Comcast  (I work for
Secureworks.com as a unix admin -- disclaimer: this is not posted in a
work related capacity yada yada).  I wasn't a music major in college.
I did go to public schools - if that's what you meant by government
schools.  I got 710 on the SAT math in 1997 - skipped my senior year
in high school - and was accepted for early admissions to Ga Tech
based on my nearly perfect SAT math score but chose Mercer in Macon
instead.  I don't use math much anymore, but I do remember how and
when to multiply by 8 :)

And yes, I worded my original response wrong w/ regards to the labels
on the conversion.  But I'm still right, and if you think comcast is
ripping people off selling them .5 meg pipes then you need to put your
tin foil hat on :)

My point was that people often want to go suing their ISPs for only
giving them half meg pipes when they should be getting 4 meg pipes  -
or whatever - and it is usually a factor of 8 they just happen to be
complaining about.  Disclaimer2: I ran an ISP for 8 years in Macon.
Its almost always misperception on the user's part, because they see
some number in windows and don't know they have to multiply it by 8 to
get the number they have in their heads that they should be getting
for download speeds.

And I don't mean to offend anyone by expressing my pleasure at how
fast and cheap comcast is... but it is the best game in town.   Find a
better deal, let me know.

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