[ale] Gotta bea FAQ: Give ordinary users R/W/X access to VFAT partition

Paul Cartwright paul_tbot at pcartwright.com
Sun May 14 16:22:22 EDT 2006

On Sun May 14 2006 1:35 pm, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> Windows XP refuses to create an FAT32 partition (vfat) that is > 30
> GiB. ? That's pretty pathetic -- I can use FreeDOS on my 250 GiB
> SATA drive with one FAT32 partition, and Windows XP will then *use*
> it, but it won't create partitions like that.
I just created 4 31GB fat32 partitions, so both XP and SUSE can use 
them for data storage/transfer. Actually, it is mostly storage, most 
of the transferring I do is between the desktop SUSE and my laptop XP, 
using winscp to transfer files:)

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800 

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