[ale] Ga tech

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Fri Feb 24 16:54:04 EST 2006

Used to be, at GT, if you wanted to know how computers *worked*, you 
became a EE.  On the other hand, if you wanted to be able to write a 
compiler, you went CS.  CS undergrad majors back in the legwarmer era 
didn't *by and large* understand digital electronics or really even 
system administration (it would have been nigh impossible to get your 
own system to administer). 

I don't know how this changed when the schools merged, but it sounds 
like they're taking another abstract jump away from the actual *work* of 
computing.  I guess this is how we get to a technological singularity - 
an implemented technology that no one understands.


attriel wrote:

>>This is quite depressing, actually, seeing as I'm slated to start going
>>to Tech for grad school next semester. I'd looked forward to going to GA
>>Tech, due to its reputation as one of the best schools in the country
>>for Computer Science. But now, hearing of Greenlea's termination and
>>this new Dean, I'm really starting to worry.
>shows how out of hte loop I am.  I didn't realize greenlee was gone :o
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