[ale] NFS Root question

Keith Hopkins hne at hopnet.net
Mon Feb 6 07:13:10 EST 2006

Mills, John M. wrote:
> ALErs -
> I want to boot a Linux system against a root filesystem exported by
> another Linux system.
> The intended root system is exported as <host_ip>:/pub/<root_name> and
> can be NFS-mounted with no problem by my intended target (or others).
> The same host also serves 'tftp' with no problems.
> I am not, however, managing to pass my target the correct kernel
> parameters to mount that export as '/' when my target boots, using the
> command: "nfsroot=<host_ip>:/pub/<root_name>". The target is refused an
> RPC code in a series of 'Error 101' replies from the host. I've also
> tried exporting at the root of the rootfs, with the same address.
> Host is FC3, target is a linux-2.4.26 embedded-system CPU.
> Setup and diagnostic clues welcomed.
> Thanks.
>  - Mills
Hey Mills,

  I did some diskless clients with SuSE91, rebuilding their kernels to 
include the bits needed for nfsroot.  I used pxelinux, and my config 
file passed this:

LABEL linux
        KERNEL 7n400p2z
        APPEND root=/dev/nfs 
nfsroot= ip=dhcp

  Are you passing the root=/dev/nfs?

  Another example is:
LABEL node4
        KERNEL node4/vmlinuz
        APPEND root=/dev/nfs 
ip=dhcp showopts vga=3841

  You might want to take a look at 
http://wiki.hopnet.net/twiki/bin/view/Main/DisklessKernel to make sure 
you enabled all that is needed.
  I copied a good tutorial to 
  I had three servers, one running dhcp/squid/routing, one running 
tftpboot and hosting /home, the last hosting nfsroot.  There were five 
machines that would boot from them.

from Downunder, but getting closer every day,

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