[ale] Linux Distributions

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Tue May 17 19:57:34 EDT 2005

Mark Schill wrote:
>  Greetings,
> I have played around with Linux for many years, but I have always stuck
> with the big boys. IE Red Hat and SUSE. I know there are more
> distributions out there and wanted to get input on what the members of
> the linux community use and why.
> Thanks for you input,
> Mark

Unless you're having a problem with something distribution-specific,
there's no reason to ask what distribution you're running.  I won't ask
what distribution someone is using unless they come to me with something
wierd like a problem with a package system.

That having been said, I like Slackware.  The package system that is
used by the installer doesn't force you to use it in the long run,
staying mostly out of your way, like it should, and enabling you to
build software and install it directly, without trying to mangle the
package system to tell it that it was installed so that future
dependancies aren't broken.

It's great, and you can take it any direction that you want to, sticking
with using all packages, or, doing like I do, and using the packages at
initial install, and then building the rest of the software myself.
That way, I can back up each system's filesystems onto CD, and I really
then only need to back up /usr/local every time I make major changes.

	- Mike

Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
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