[ale] Nerds Make Better Lover

Randal Jarrett K4RSJ rsj at radio.org
Thu Jun 9 16:04:44 EDT 2005

>From /.

Nerds Make Better Lovers	

Posted by Zonk on Thursday June 09, @12:48PM
from the slashdot-editors-mentioned-specifically dept.
ultimabaka writes "The New York Daily News, fine bastion of reporting
that it is, released an article today discussing the rise of nerd
popularity among women in general, and famous women in particular.
Detail is given into the dating exploits of Christina Aguilera and Elin
Nordegren (nerdy Tiger Woods' supermodel squeeze), among a bunch of
regular Janes. Apparently being a nerd is now in?"




Randal Jarrett  <rsj at radio.org>
RSJ Consulting, Inc
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 822-1096  home
(770) 598-3251  cell
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