NTFSRESIZE (Was: Re: [ale] Central meeting on Thursday)

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 23:30:16 EDT 2005

Hash: RIPEMD160

Jason Fritcher wrote:
> Has a list of distros that include the tool. It also has a guide for
> using the
> command-line version towards the end.

I'll give that a shot at some point and see what happens.  I was using
qtparted on the system I tried it on, and it said there were no problems
when then when it actually attempted the resize operation it failed to
resize.  Okay, no biggie, I thought...

But it clobbered the NTFS filesystem bad enough that not even chkdsk
could repair it at boot up, so I had to use a Windows XP installation CD
to repair the filesystem and then repair the Windows files that were
clobbered.  I haven't found any damaged applications, yet...

	- Mike

- --
Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
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