[ale] SuSE 9.0 curiosity

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Mar 12 15:36:45 EST 2004

Never seen it myself,

PS.  Ale mail starting working today, so thanks to whoever fixed my account. :)

Geoffrey wrote:
> I've done a number of SuSE 9.0 installs, but had a different experience 
> yesterday and don't know why.  It was at the point in the install where 
> it identifies the hardware and then permits you to set it up.  What it 
> did this time was for each device it encountered it would pop up a 
> separate window asking me if I wanted to configure it. (network, dsl, 
> printer).  I've never seen that before, but like it.  So I'm wondering 
> if anyone else has seen the same.  My previous experiences have been 
> that Yast would simply list all the devices and I would pick them to 
> configure them.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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