[ale] SCO to sue Al Gore

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Tue Mar 9 09:30:12 EST 2004


SCO to sue Al Gore 
 by: bryan_w_taylor 
 Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Sell 06/18/03 02:41 pm 
 Msg: 15699 of 15841 
 In a dramatic move, SCO today filed suit against Al Gore alleging 
 misappropriations of trade secrets and unfair competition for inventing 
the  Internet. SCO Executive Chris Sontag was quoted as saying "This 
internet  thing is a Unix derivitive and our contracts from AT&T 
clearly give us all  IP rights to Unix dervitives. What Al Gore did is 
to transfer our rights to  the world. Our lawsuit is aimed at 
preserving our intellectual property  rights." 
 When asked if he was on crack, Sontag replied, "No, I'm on SCO, but 
crack is  clearly a derivitive of Unix and we intend to sue the 
Columbian cocaine  cartel next.".

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