[ale] Deep inside the K Desktop Environment 3.2

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Tue Feb 24 14:42:21 EST 2004

I've been having a gas playing with kde 3.2 the last couple of weeks.  I 
heartily recommend an upgrade to anyone using one of the older versions.  If 
you are a redhat user, the sourceforge redhat/kde project files work well for 
me <http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/>.  They are in the testing tiectories, 
but have been quite stable for me.  And they supply rpms for everything since 
7.3, which is pretty cool.

What I really wanted to say  is that this Ars Technica article is probably the 
best, most interesting article on KDE I've ever read.  It goes into a lot of 
detail about how KDE works and what you can do with it, but I wouldn't call 
it a technical article.  I know nothing about KDE internals and found it 
quite fascinating.


Read, and enjoy,


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