[ale] FYI: SUSE9.0/Home Power Networking

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Feb 6 16:28:22 EST 2004

Two items of interest:

SUSE has on their ftp server under /pub/projects an update 
for Mozilla that will get you from SuSE 9.0's Moz 1.4 to Moz 
1.6.  These are RPMs that seamlessly update the SuSE 
install.  They include the spellchecker, enigmail, and 
calendar along with the browser, email, and chat.  This type 
update keeps all the plugins, Java, and SuSE configured 
convenience in Mozilla so you don't have to manually 
configure/install.  Actually they have 8.0-8.2 updates as well.

I purchased two of the Belkin Home Powerline Ethernet bridge 
units, F5D4070, for $85 at MicroCenter.  Once plugged in to 
two outlets three stories and the opposite side of the 
structure apart, they sync'd up and made a connection with 
no config on my part.  I could not make the connection work 
when either unit was behind a UPS.  However, the ethernet 
cable plugged into the unit's single port was funneled thru 
the local UPS's DSL modem surge protection port at each 
unit.  I was able to network a laptop far away from the room 
where the local LAN was located with essentially no 
configuration of the device.  Throughput was 100KB/s on a 
1.1Gb transfer with no dropouts or data loss.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744            *
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Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com *
Kennesaw, GA 30144                                         *
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