[ale] OT: Well it is going to hit the list sooner or later.

Joe Knapka jknapka at kneuro.net
Sun Aug 1 12:24:39 EDT 2004

"J.M. Taylor" <jtaylor at onlinea.com> writes:

> When I am left alone with the cash register, I do not take money from it
> even tho my boss cheats on his taxes and makes more than a million a year,
> and pays me minimum wage, which barely, barely keeps me sheltered.  
> This is perhaps naive and stupid. But that's the way it is.

It sounds like you're working for a guy who will never appreciate
or reward you for your ethical behavior.  That is a situation that
truly sucks :-(

-- Cheers,

-- Joe

"We sat and watched as this whole       <-- (Died Pretty -- "Springenfall")
 blue sky turned to black..."
... Re-defeat Bush in '04.
pub  1024D/BA496D2B 2004-05-14 Joseph A Knapka
     Key fingerprint = 3BA2 FE72 3CBA D4C2 21E4  C9B4 3230 94D7 BA49 6D2B
If you really want to get my attention, send mail to
jknapka .at. kneuro .dot. net.

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