[ale] Cyrix 233 CPU

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Oct 7 20:23:30 EDT 2003

Another idea on the SuSE side is that the CDROM may not be recognized 
properly by the install routines.  The effect is when you try to get 
into the section for modifying the software to be installed.  It just 
hangs.  You'd need to use a different CDROM at that point.  Can you boot 
from a floppy with Tom's Root Boot?

Matthew Magee wrote:

>I had a similar problem with a AMD K62-500.  Turns out that the CPU itself was 
>dead.  RedHat, SuSE, and Mandrake refused to install.  Free BSD would 
>install, but running top would produce a floating point error.  I put in a 
>K6-200 in the same box, and all is well.
>May not be the same problem you are having, but an idea anyway.
>On Tuesday 07 October 2003 03:55 pm, George Johnson wrote:
>>I have an older system, a Power Spec box, that seems to have a hard time
>>loading RH9 or SuSE8.2.  Is there a problem with the CPU in this case?
>>SuSE stalls looking at possible packages and RH9 puts garbage on the
>>screen in Anaconda.  Manual or lower level installs do not work either.
>>I have 96MB Ram installed.  What is going on here?
>>George Johnson
>>Phone 678-642-7696
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>Ale at ale.org

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