[ale] multiple X10 cameras

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Nov 26 13:07:07 EST 2003

On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 16:53, Geoffrey wrote:
> Keeler, James wrote:
> > I'm not saying that the cameras aren't worth buying, but for me the 
> > advertising method kept me from ever considering them.  Besides, in
> > the law enforcement industry, you get inundated with advertisements
> > for covert cameras of every kind.
> There are other vendors who sell the same technology.  I'm not quite 
> sure what the 'protocol' is, I thought it was x10, but you don't 
> normally see a company by the name of the standard.


I do not think X10 can be used to transmit video. 

> Just the same, I'd like to play with the technology a bit more than I 
> have.  I know Chris F. has done quite a bit with home automation, so I 
> would expect he's got some experience with x10 devices.

I've got a pile of these devices setting in a box.  Sometimes I had
lights go one by themselves.

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