[ale] OT: Bank of America

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sat Nov 22 08:47:25 EST 2003

Mike Millson wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 19:30, Geoffrey wrote:
>>Well, I tried to view their products from the products link, I see a 
>>javascript call to 'showmenus' but nothing happens.  Mozilla 1.4.  You 
>>would think their website would work with open source browsers, although 
>>I guess it could be a bug in Mozilla.
> It works in my version of Mozilla 1.4 on RHL 9. Maybe you have some
> javascript capabilities disabled in your preferences?

Nevermind, my bad.  My old eyes just didn't catch the white menu that's 
added.  I was looking for some kind of drop down or something.  More 

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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