[ale] Walter's fax problem

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Nov 18 22:02:10 EST 2003

I think I've lost my mind!  What is the link to the rc5.d directory on 
SuSE 8.2?  I've just remembered a system I can check it on.  I'll do it 
from home though.  So, I'll post back later.  Walter, would you attach 
the text files, you've put in /tmp with those command that did complete, 
to an email to ALE?  thanks,

walter Sams wrote:

>I tried again with the same results, see attached to confirm I entered
>commands correctly.
>It seems like you are looking for something that I have located
>somewhere else.
>Thank you
>Walter Sams
>On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 11:01, Dow Hurst wrote:
>>Do this at the command line after a reboot and before a fax is sent.  
>>(Changed my mind on the "ls" switches since this is going to a text 
>>file.  It will be nice to see the whole output)
>>ps auxww > /tmp/nofax.reboot.ps.txt
>>ls -ls /etc/init.d/rc5.d > /tmp/startuplink.init5.txt
>>    ^
>>(Note this is a letter l)
>>ls -ls /var/spool/fax > /tmp/queuedfaxlist.txt
>>Then send one fax and do this command:
>>ps auxww > /tmp/onefax.ps.txt
>>ls -ls /var/spool/fax >> /tmp/queuedfaxlist.txt
>>Then send one more fax and repeat:
>>ps auxww > /tmp/twofax.ps.txt
>>ls -ls /var/spool/fax >> /tmp/queuedfaxlist.txt
>>Then attach the text output you've just generated to an email back to ALE.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>Ale mailing list
>>Ale at ale.org

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