[ale] mounting encrypted partition

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Fri Nov 14 05:02:11 EST 2003

I created an encrypted partition using the installation from Suse 8.2 on hard 
disk 2. Unfortunately, the superblock on hard disk 1 went bad and I replaced 
it with another drive running Suse.
I have not been able to figure out how to mount the encrypted filesystem on 
disk 2. The closest I have gotten is:

mount -t xfs -o loop,encryption=blowfish /dev/loop1 /z
losetup -t xfs /dev/loop0 /dev/hdc2
mount -t xfs -o loop,encryption=twofish /dev/loop1 /z

These are just guesses - following the format of posts to other lists and 
considering the fact that I am not sure what encryption was used (Suse's 
default) and I am not sure what file system was used. Anyone know how I can 
go about getting this to mount. I couldn't find an GUI way in Suse either.
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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