[ale] revisit the web problem again

Michael D. Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Tue Nov 11 11:00:07 EST 2003

What does wget do if you try to download the page with it?  This is a slightly 
more complete test than just telnetting to port 80.


On Tuesday 11 November 2003 10:21 am, Dow Hurst wrote:
> Well, now I have a user that can't get to www.wachovia.com or
> www.deseretnews.com.  She has this setup:
> Earthlink DSL
> 2wire DSL modem/router/firewall
>     |_________________________________
> KSU Firewall (http allowed)        HPNA Interface
> Linux workstation (SuSE 8.2)       WinXP Home
> VMware WinXP Pro
> The 2wire device has a bridge mode to share the 2wire's outside IP with
> one internal device.  The KSU firewall is defined as that device.  So
> using a DHCP call, the KSU Firewall gets assigned the outside IP of
> whatever the 2wire device has gotten from Earthlink.  It works great and
> allows us to depend on the KSU firewall (managed by Bob Toxen) to
> protect her internal systems that are used for the work she does for
> us.  The phone interface, HPNA, allows an upstairs home PC to be
> protected by the 2wire's firewall and share the DSL connection.  Nice
> setup and works well for us.
> She can telnet from the Linux workstation's prompt to the IPs of both
> www.wachovia.com and www.deseretnews.com at port 80 and get a
> communication from the web server.  She is able to type some garbage and
> get a response from each webserver before they close the connection.  A
> standard way to check if the server is up.  Now, if she tries Mozilla,
> Konqueror, and Opera under SuSE then contact is made but no page
> returns.  I am saying that contact is made because she told me that
> Mozilla was saying in the task bar that "Transferring data" appeared.
> She has even tried IE 6 in the vmware XP hoping that would work but no
> juice.  Dig gave her the IPs to try the telnet trick with.  So any
> advice on troubleshooting this?
> I have thought that since her upstairs HPNA connected XP machine can get
> a page back from these sites that the 2wire's stateful firewall is
> somehow remembering the destination.  So a request from any part of her
> network to those sites would get directed to the HPNA interface.  The
> problem is that no other redirection has occurred and it is a stupid
> idea anyway.  I get those more than occasionally. ;-)
> Thanks for your help,
> Dow
> Geoffrey wrote:
> > Dow Hurst wrote:
> >> Have you checked that there isn't a deny statement in these browsers
> >> for cookies from that site?  I have lost the ability to go to a site
> >> if I denied it the ability to leave a cookie.  Until I went in and
> >> re-enabled that site to leave a cookie, I couldn't get to it.
> >
> > I checked that.  I am only allowing cookies from the originating site.
> > I turned that off, still no go.
> >
> > I'm beginning to think it's the ttl setting Mike made mention of.

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