[ale] Fedora and RHN?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Nov 6 19:53:49 EST 2003

Linux Format ran an article on a dual opteron server.  It gave 
incredible performance and they loved it.  Was the loudest machine 
they'd ever had.  The fans were like a jet taking off. ;-)

They explained in the article that many apps and the kernel too are 64 
bit enabled already.  So, instead of the operations having to be broken 
down into two 32bit operations you get a single cycle.  I don't know 
enough to comment other than regurgitate the article.

Also, if you look at clustering specs between Xeon duals and Opteron 
duals the Numa enabled Opterons handle RAM differently which can speed 
up performance alot.  Was reading a Fermilab project page on cluster 
specs and found alot of really good info.  Google "Benchmarks" and 
Fermilab and possible MILSPEC and you might find the page.  I don't have 
the URL.

Preston Boyington wrote:

> > I do not plan on going AMD64 until Linux does. I do not know enough
> > about the AMD64 to know if it *truly* makes a difference.
> >
> ask JPK3, he bought a 64 bit unit a'while back. 
> James, how about an update on your experiences with the new machine?  
> I have seen dual processor 64's advertised and am currently seriously 
> thinking of making the jump in a few months, provided there is good 
> feedback about supported software.
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

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