[ale] Linux Help Desk Call Apps?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Nov 6 16:21:39 EST 2003

Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
> When you guys do publish your code, don't forget that _any_
> monoculture is bad.  Don't forget that there are places other than
> SourceForge to publish your project.  Tigris.org comes to mind as a
> very worthwhile site.
> If we put all projects on Sourceforge, and it goes down or get bought
> wehre will we be then?  Be sure to spread things around a bit.

You mean, like on freethecode.ale.org ?????  Oh, wait, that returns 404...

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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